Do I Have Postpartum Anxiety?

  • Do you stay up late at night, unable to slow the thoughts in your mind?
  • Have you noticed that you worry a lot- sometimes for little or no reason?
  • Do you fear what others think of you or feel that they secretly judge you?
  • Even when things are going well, are you just waiting for the other shoe to drop?
  • Is your mind sometimes flooded with thoughts or images of terrible things that may happen to you or the baby?
  • Are you having scary thoughts? Thoughts that you may somehow harm the baby?

If you answered yes to 2 or more of these questions, you may be experiencing postpartum anxiety.

Other symptoms of anxiety include:

  • feeling restless or nervous
  • difficulty concentrating
  • changes in appetite- either up or down
  • shallow breathing or hyperventilating
  • sudden and unexpected panic attacks


  • sweating and chills
  • muscle aches and pains, especially in the shoulders or neck
  • rapid heart rate
  • feeling weak or lethargic

Other symptoms of anxiety include:

  • feeling restless or nervous
  • difficulty concentrating
  • changes in appetite- either up or down
  • shallow breathing or hyperventilating
  • sudden and unexpected panic attacks
  • sweating and chills
  • muscle aches and pains, especially in the shoulders or neck
  • rapid heart rate
  • feeling weak or lethargic

PPA is even more common than PPD.

The CDC estimates that about 1 in 7 new moms and 1 in 10 new dads will suffer from postpartum depression. (Read more here.)

New research is showing that perinatal anxiety is even more common- with some estimates as high as 1 in 4 new moms being affected. (Research is lagging behind when it comes to dads, but my guess is that it’s about the same.)

PPD isn’t screened for enough, but very few providers screen for or are even aware of other perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs).

This means that there are likely thousands of new moms and dads who are struggling with anxiety and not receiving any recognition or treatment.

You certainly are not alone.

No one ever asked to feel anxious.

You certainly didn’t ask to feel this way. And there is nothing wrong with you that makes you have these thoughts and feelings.

It’s not unusual for those struggling with anxiety to blame themselves. It’s not your fault.


Perinatal Anxiety is Highly Treatable.

There is no reason that you should have to continue to feel this way.

Far too many people don’t get the treatment that they deserve, and their anxiety continues to rear its ugly head again and again.

When anxiety goes untreated, it tends to get worse. I don’t say that to try to scare you (you worry enough as it is). I say that because, unfortunately, it’s true.

Sometimes people will get to the point of not even wanting to leave their homes. They begin to isolate themselves and feel alone in their anxiety.

I want better for you, for your partner, and for your family.

Anxiety is treatable, and I can help.

Think you might have postpartum depression or anxiety? Not sure? Let's talk!

Schedule your free consultation online 24 hours a day. Pick a time that works for you, and we will discuss what you have been experiencing, talk about your treatment options, and determine what is the best fit for you.

There is no pressure and no obligation. I want you to get the help you need and deserve, even if it's not with me.